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September 2021


PARTICIPANTS –  Ketan P, Sai Y, Sujeet.A , Shiva N, Srini N, Meera K, Venkatesh B, Jeyanthi V, Ravindra R,Shital K, Srilasya N, Ganesh N


1.    Prayer        

2.    President's Update& other important updates


¶ Overall cost of Parking lot renovation is 285K, we are still looking for additional funds. The original cost was at $270K, however due to additional paper work required and other maintenance aspects the cost has increased by $15K One of the devotees has pledge to take care of $10K to $15k directly to the contractor however we are still short by $50K. So kindly request all the patrons to donate and also reach out your friends and family for the contribution IT committee is sending out frequent communications and notifications for awareness via emails, Most of the pledged funds should be available next week or so however as mentioned we are still overall short by $50K. so please spread the word


¶ President thanked the committee for approval for cooking at temple premises for selling food towards temple income growth . We need volunteers and the food committee will be meeting next week to discuss on the strategy around this but consistent volunteers are required to make this program a success. Time for selling the food would be around 10 Am – 2 pm CST. Pricing will be competitive as well. There will most likely be NO FREE Food in the temple except for the major festivals. A final decision is yet to made on this front by the EC). Income from Food selling will be categorized as Hundi collection.


¶ Youth Kids in the community are providing valuable feedback, ideas and inputs towards the committee and its very impressive. An email will be sent out to the community for nominations for the Youth Committee. Potential Youth Volunteers presented initial proposal on Youth Corner which provides revived education of Youth around Hindu Dharma with fun filled activities. Lot of discussion how this committee will be evolved to ensure it is a vital part of the progress towards involving our youth. Some ideas that were floating were EC committee to mentor the youth and refine the overall planned work. Ganesh N happy to help lead this as well.

        ♦  Cultural

¶ Ganesh Chaturthi- Marathi Mandal did a fabulous job with the food distribution for the concluded Ganesh Chaturthi. And the event was organized very well.
¶ Diwali activities being planned. A decision is yet to be made around the even being conducted virtual this year based on Douglas County Guidelines. The even will be on November 14 th . Shital has started to engage all the volunteers required for this event. Raffle tickets will be sold very early this year beginning October with the intent to drive more funds collection.

        ♦  Pooja Committee

¶ Planning of Navarathri festivities in progress

        ♦  IT Committee

¶ Temple website being updated every week and emails are being sent out on the pooja activities as well other fund raising activities.
¶ A discussion around cleaning up the email subscribers took place however a concrete decision was no made around this clean up so further discussion required on this front.

        ♦  Finance Review

¶ A review of current month financials as well comparison of year over year financials were complete. August monthly expenses -  $39,198.

3.    Adjourn

Temple Timings

  • Weekdays09:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Weekends09:00 AM - 02:00 PM and 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Temple Cafeteria Saturday10:30 AM - 12:00 PM and 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM

Quick Contact

Hindu Temple Limited, 13010 Arbor Street, Omaha, NE 68144.

Phone: (402) 697-8546
Email: contact@htom.us

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