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November 2021


PARTICIPANTS –  Ketan P, Sai Y, Sujeet.A , Siva, Srini N, Meera K, Jeyanthi V, Ravindra R, Shital K, Vandana, Ganesh N, Aswathy Nair


1.    Prayer        

2.    President's Update& other important updates

        ♦  Cafeteria –

¶ Going very well with the cafeteria and its getting busy every week. Due to which more safety measures for volunteers are being taken into consideration and safety measure training will be offered to the volunteers

¶ A bid request has been put in place for the Community center Kitchen Building contract.

¶ Concern raised by neighboring restaurant on the impact to their business due to the cafeteria.

¶ Motion Passed by EC of no FREE food in the temple and it would be sold for a nominal price.

¶ Ayyappa Committee sponsored 3000$ towards the cafeteria.

        ♦  Cultural

¶ Diwali event was a good success as 104 participants all ages were involved. 1 Slot per program with multiple languages were organized. Balavihar Kids were engaged where next generation kids participated. Students from university helped out a lot with the arrangements. There were issues with audio system but overcome the issues for this time.

¶ Balavihar kids did Bajan Songs, helped hallway decorations, Indian state traditional attire presentation were done, personally recorded videos especially when the kids are virtual was a great progress.

        ♦  IT Committee

¶ Pages updated for review by website viewers. Team working towards updating the pooja list so that they are current.

¶ Annual sponsorship for the membership fliers needs to be sent as well.

        ♦  Finance Review

¶ A review of current month financials as well comparison of year over year financials were complete. October MONTHLY EXPENSES - $29,342.08.

3.    Adjourn

Temple Timings

  • Weekdays09:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Weekends09:00 AM - 02:00 PM and 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Temple Cafeteria Saturday10:30 AM - 12:00 PM and 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM

Quick Contact

Hindu Temple Limited, 13010 Arbor Street, Omaha, NE 68144.

Phone: (402) 697-8546
Email: contact@htom.us

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