April 2022


PARTICIPANTS –  Ketan P, Sai Y, Sujeet A , Srini N,  Jeyanthi V, Vandana,  Phani A, Suresh S, Shiva N


1.    Prayer        

2.    President's Update& other important updates

        ♦  Bylaws Update

¶ House Keeping activity that was done in 2012 April, every 10 years it is looked at but due to covid it was moved to this year and the process takes into account a lot of inputs from boards of trustees, previous and current leadership. Key themes are as follows
¶ Extension of existing document
¶ Community center 
¶ New membership introduction
¶ Mode of communication
Inclusion of donation review
Board of trustees .. increase the count to max 15
Dispute resolution between EC and board of trustees in the event of an extraordinary situation
Finance committee chair to bring in more accountability to the board
Inclusion of new class in the members founders led
Inclusion of finance committee on board meeting
Standing committee is set up so there is rigor in execution
A new committee to be set up and continuity helps and long range stuff
Youth participation by EC with a goal of mentoring and show case a peak of operations
Vedantic Center
A further discussion to occur around the by-laws.

       ♦  Cultural

¶ Kala Aradhana cultural event had a great response from the community. Program started on time and run 5min before schedule time. 63 participants perform 31 in 8 different languages. Telugu, Sanskrit, Bengali Hindi, Tamil, Kannada , Gujarati by age range from 4 to 40 years presented folks devotional, semi classical, classical, instrumental categories. Community appreciated a mix age group 23 volunteers made this event possible including high school students and India student association members from UNO made this event possible.

        ♦  IT Committee

¶ No Major updates.

        ♦  Pooja Committee

¶ No New info on this.

        ♦  Finance Review

¶ A review of current month financials as well comparison of year over year financials were complete. March MONTHLY EXPENSES - $135,842.87

3.    Adjourn

April 2022

Temple Timings

  • Weekdays09:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Weekends09:00 AM - 02:00 PM and 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM
  • Temple Cafeteria Saturday10:30 AM - 12:00 PM and 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM

Quick Contact

Hindu Temple Limited, 13010 Arbor Street, Omaha, NE 68144.

Phone: (402) 697-8546
Email: contact@htom.us

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